Saturday, November 7, 2009

Welcome to My World

One of the most wonderful things about aging, and there are so many, is the abundant amalgamation of wisdom and hindsight that one can pack up in the , if you're lucky, Louis Vuitton suitcase with which one schleps the world. A good piece of luggage doesn't fall apart, it acquires a lovely patina which says, "I've been Somewhere and I'm Fabulous!"

Welcome to One Girl's particular and sometimes peculiar, I hope, perspective on this world. Worse-for-Wear? I think not! A few salient points about me: old enough to be acquiring the aforementioned patina; the single mother of a usually-lovely daughter in middle school; the mother of two cats who, although they keep us very good company, are likely to vomit violently at any moment, but usually at 4 AM. (I'm convinced that the smart one puts his paw down his throat on purpose because he has noticed that this very action causes the purveyor of food to fling out of bed like her hair is on fire.)

So I just had a blind date arranged through a friend. We had a nice time, had many things in common, know many of the same people, and had a few laughs, but the next day I felt that I was waiting to get my SAT scores back. How would I score? I have a theory that, if someone really likes me, they will call the next day. No call. This icky feeling lasted one full day. One Full Day. And then I said to myself (with a little help from one of my fans, NGirl), why allow someone else's opinion of me to color my opinion of myself? This person doesn't even know me. And, upon reflection, perhaps he didn't have all the qualities that I may be looking for. Hmmmm. Right, I have an opinion too! Once that notion took hold, I rebounded with all the vim and vigor for which I'm known and am ready to conquer the world again!

One thing about being single: it's not a Death in the Family. When I see people whom I haven't seen in awhile, it doesn't matter what successes I have had in my life, whether with my daughter, my career, my athletic endeavors -- they will inevitably whisper in a cautious tone, not quite sure of what to say to someone in my dire position, "have you met anybody nice?" I always feel that the conversation has just taken an unfortunate U-turn.

If I Never Meet a Man, it is OK. I am Happy.

The KGirl

1 comment:

  1. I am so psyched you are doing this! Love it, love it, love it! And you will be happy, because you have the impeccable ability to charm and be charmed by all who care to know the KGirl. PS I had to look up impeccable in the dictionary to make sure I spelled it correctly because I know the KGirl and TAFKAS care about things like that:)
