Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Tears of a Clown

Sure I'm an extrovert -- outgoing and social. But I once heard that the real definition of an extrovert is someone who derives energy from others. That's really more how I see myself.

Believe it or not, I am inherently shy. I used to slump down in my chair and wish myself invisible so that the teacher wouldn't call on me to read aloud in English class (and this was high school). Speech class was a semester of torture. Oh, I tried the audience-in-their-underwear trick, but all I could think about was my labored breathing. There was no fight or flight, just flight.

After graduating from college and spending time in the world of phones and desks, I decided to go back to school to learn how to teach. I would conquer those fears, once and for all, just as everyone said I could. But for each and every new class I would scan the syllabus to see if a presentation was required. The presentations never got any easier.

I got my masters and moved on to the real test: the practicum. Student teaching was challenging and mostly dreadful. Lesson plans and stage fright. I hadn't had the Sunday Night Blues since college. Desks and phones were looking pretty good. Luckily I got pregnant.

Shakespeare said that the world is a stage and we are merely players. The trick is having the right stage, the right audience, and a good supporting cast.


  1. K-
    I think you've found your stage, your audience and your supporting cast with the "Sharks". And considering we have practice first thing Monday morning, I bet your Sunday Nights are anything but blue.

  2. There has gotta be a way to get over this hump with all your charisma and charm. Think of your audience all doing handstands in their underwear perhaps that would help! At least they couldn't raise their hand to ask a question!
